Surflevel Bestimmen


You don't have to be great at it, you have to try … again and again!

To determine your personal surf level, we should first look at what the respective surf levels include. There are always misunderstandings, because the specific levels are defined differently everywhere. With our own definition we just want to create clarity and not put anyone under pressure.

Surf Institute Surfschule


~ Beginner Surf Course / White Water Surf Course ~ 

~ Intermediate surf course (beginner to intermediate surf course) ~

~ Advanced surf course (usually also called intermediate surf course) ~

~ Expert Surfcoaching (not to be confused with "Private Surfcoaching")

often mistakenly referred to as Surfguiding ~

Define your surf level

Our surf coaching and surf courses are individually adapted to your surf level. We distinguish between beginner, intermediate and advanced surfing courses. The expert level is a pure coaching and has nothing to do with the regular surf courses.

The foundation of your level consists of: Mindset, Technique and Physique (in this order).

In order to be able to offer you an optimal surf training from the first day, it is important that you communicate your starting level in advance. When booking, you are welcome to send us your own assessment of your surfing level. We have listed some key points that distinguish the different levels from each other. These serve both as a reference point to classify yourself and as a résumé of the content of the respective surf course.

You are not sure which surf course is the right one for you? Maybe you are on the border between beginner and intermediate or between intermediate and advanced level? No problem. We will help you to find out. With our Skill-O-Meter you can find out on the basis of specific aspects of surfing, which maneuvers and techniques are necessary to change from beginner to intermediate and which skills catapult you into the advanced course.

Example: You are already surfing a bit better, but you are actually an intermediate surfer and don't know all the necessary diving techniques from the beginner course? In a compressed 1:1 training you get your deficit explained, but sign up for the intermediate surf course.

Communication is the key here!

Surf Beginner Level Fuerteventura
Surf Intermediate Level Fuerteventura
Surf Advanced Level Fuerteventura
Surf Expert Level Fuerteventura
Surf Institute Surfschule


A short explanation need in the jungle of surfing offers requires the "Surfguiding" or also the "Surfari": In plain language the terms mean: You will be thrown out at a surf spot and picked up again and/or you will be shown a few spots and at one of these surf spots you will be dropped off. Basically you could call this a cab to the spot and we don't offer that!

Should you want to take advantage of such an offer, we would advise you to do so only from the Advanced level.

Bestimme Dein Surf Level